Recycling Your Plastic Packaging

Recycling has gained popularity over the past few years because of societies will to become a greener, healthier planet. By recycling your plastic packaging, you are helping keep plastic from entering the ocean and forest, which in return helps prevent harm to our animals and pollutants from getting in our main water supply. If you are unsure of whether or not your plastic packaging items can be recycled, check the list below. The list describes ever type of plastic packaging item you may come into contact with that can easily be recycled.

All bags labeled #2 or #4

Bread bags
Case wraps (cases to water bottles and snacks)
Cereal Box Liners
Diaper packages
Dry cleaning bags
Furniture wrap
Electronic packaging
Grocery Bags
Produce bags
Paper towel and toilet paper wraps
Newspaper bags
Food storage bags (zip lock)

If your plastic packaging item is not on this list, the second list below will describe to you the codes in which all plastic packaging are printed with. These codes will help you easily learn whether or not your item can be recycled or if they can be thrown away with the rest of your household garbage. Once you learn which items in your home can be recycled and where, you can start organizing your bins on where specific plastics can be dropped off and which ones can be recycled by you. This not only helps lessen the confusion on the world of recycling, but it also helps get your plastic packaging in the correct areas where they can be put to use.  Recycled plastic is reused by contract packing and contract bagging companies to manufacture more plastic bags for storing stones, pebbles, sane, wood pellets, cement powder and more.

PET - Widely recycled (beverage containers)
HDPE - Widely recycled (grocery bags)
VINYL - Cannot be recycled
LDPE - Only recyclable at drop off centres
PP - Only recyclable in specific areas
PS - Very rarely recyclable (plastic dishes)
PLA and PC- Compostable